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12000 INR

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20 hours, 24 mins





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Python Full-Stack Developer

Python Full-Stack Developer

Python Full-Stack Developer

Master front-end and back-end development with Python, Django/Flask, JavaScript, and databases to build and deploy full-stack web applications.

About the course

About the course

About the course

Our Python Full Stack Developer Course is designed to equip you with the skills needed to build dynamic and scalable web applications. This course covers both front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React) and back-end (Python, Django/Flask, APIs, databases) development, along with deployment strategies. By the end of the course, you'll be able to develop, test, and deploy full-stack applications, making you industry-ready.

Course Curriculum

1. Introduction to Python-

- Overview of Python

- Installation and Setup

- Running Python Scripts

- Python IDEs (VS Code, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook)

2. Python Core Concepts

A. Data Types and Variables

- Numeric Types (int, float, complex)

- Sequence Types (list, tuple, range)

- Text Type (str)- Set Types (set, frozenset)

- Mapping Type (dict)- Boolean Type (bool)

- Binary Types (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)

B. Operators

- Arithmetic Operators

- Comparison Operators

- Logical Operators

- Bitwise Operators

- Assignment Operators

- Identity and Membership Operators

C. Control Flow

- Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)

- Loops (for, while)

- Loop Control Statements (break, continue, pass)

D. Functions

- Defining and Calling Functions

- Function Arguments and Return Values

- Lambda Functions

- Recursion

- Built-in Function

E. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

- Classes and Objects

- Attributes and Methods

- Inheritance and Polymorphism

- Encapsulation and Abstraction

- Magic Methods and Dunder Method

3. Data Structures and Algorithms

- Lists and List Comprehensions

- Tuples and Immutable Data Structures

- Sets and Set Operations

- Dictionaries and Dictionary Comprehensions

- Stacks, Queues, and Linked Lists

- Searching and Sorting Algorithms

4. File Handling

- Reading and Writing File

- Handling Different File Formats (CSV, JSON, XML)

- Exception Handling in File Operations

5. Modules and Packages

- Importing Modules

- Creating Custom Modules

- Python Standard Library

- Virtual Environments and Dependency Management

6. Working with Databases

- Introduction to SQL and NoSQL Databases

- SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL Integration

- Using Django ORM for Database Management

- Connecting to MongoDB with PyMongo

7. Web Development

A. Backend Development with Python

- Introduction to Django and Flask

- Django MVT (Model-View-Template) Architecture

- Flask Microservices and API Development

- REST API with Django REST Framework (DRF)

B. Frontend Development 1. HTML & CSS

- HTML Structure and Semantic Elements

- CSS Basics and Styling

- CSS Grid and Flexbox

- Responsive Design with Media Queries

- Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS

2. JavaScript

- JavaScript Basics and ES6 Feature

- DOM Manipulation

- Event Handling

- AJAX and Fetch API

- Local Storage and Session Storage

3. React.js

- Introduction to React.js

- Components, Props, and State

- React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext)

- React Router for Navigation

- State Management with Redux/Zustand

- API Integration with Axios/Fetch

- UI Libraries (Material-UI, Ant Design, ShadCN)

8. Microservices and API Development

- Introduction to Microservices Architecture

- Building Microservices with Django

- Communication using gRPC

- Kafka for Event-Driven Processing

9. DevOps and Deployment

- Containerization with Docker and Kubernetes

- Deployment with AWS, DigitalOcean, and Azure

- Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

- CI/CD Pipelines with GitHub Actions and Jenkins

10. Security and Best Practices

- Authentication & Authorization (JWT, OAuth)

- Securing APIs

- Handling CORS and CSRF

- Data Encryption and Protection

11. Version Control and Collaboration

- Git and GitHub Basics

- Branching Strategies and Git Workflows

- Code Review and Collaboration Tools

12. Testing and Debugging

- Unit Testing with PyTest and Django Test Framework

- Debugging Techniques and Tools

Performance Testing with JMeter

13. Agile and Project Management

- Agile Development Methodologies

Task Management with Jira and Trello

- Team Collaboration with Slack and Notion

14. Capstone Projects

Beginner Projects

- To-Do List Application

- Personal Blog Website

Intermediate Projects

- E-commerce Platform

- Real-time Chat Application

This course content provides a structured roadmap for becoming a proficient Python Full-Stack Developer

Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements

  • Industry-Expert Instructors: Learn from professionals with real-world experience.

  • Hands-On Training: Work on live projects to build a practical understanding.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Cover all aspects of digital marketing.

  • Placement Support: We ensure you’re job-ready.

Course mentor

Course mentor

Course mentor

Apoorva Bitton

Apoorva Bitton

I’m a UX Designer. My passion is ingrained in problem-solving and research which manifests itself in delivering end-to-end inclusive + data-driven design. My favorite part about being a designer is the magic that comes from collaboration, pushing the boundaries and challenging the status quo.




Lifetime access

Elevate your career with our course's lifetime access. Stay updated, revisit key concepts, and enjoy a perpetual competitive edge in your field.

Practice-based lessons

Immerse yourself in hands-on learning through our practice-based lessons, designed to provide practical skills and real-world insights.

20% discount for other courses

Get a 20% discount on additional courses! Expand your skills and knowledge affordably. Enroll now for more learning opportunities.

Quarterly updates

Our mentors review the course syllabus once in a quarter and once you have a lifetime access you’ll also be able to see those updates

Course syllabus

Course syllabus

Course syllabus


Lesson 1

Course intro


Lesson 1

Course intro


Lesson 1

Course intro


Lesson 1

Course intro


Lesson 2

Advanced Illustrator Workspace Setup


Lesson 2

Advanced Illustrator Workspace Setup


Lesson 2

Advanced Illustrator Workspace Setup


Lesson 2

Advanced Illustrator Workspace Setup


Lesson 3

Create a Cute Video Game Character With Advanced Shape Manipulation


Lesson 3

Create a Cute Video Game Character With Advanced Shape Manipulation


Lesson 3

Create a Cute Video Game Character With Advanced Shape Manipulation


Lesson 3

Create a Cute Video Game Character With Advanced Shape Manipulation


Lesson 4

Isometric Mail Icon Using New 3D Features


Lesson 4

Isometric Mail Icon Using New 3D Features


Lesson 4

Isometric Mail Icon Using New 3D Features


Lesson 4

Isometric Mail Icon Using New 3D Features


Lesson 5

Vector Graphics With Textures and Depth of Field


Lesson 5

Vector Graphics With Textures and Depth of Field


Lesson 5

Vector Graphics With Textures and Depth of Field


Lesson 5

Vector Graphics With Textures and Depth of Field


Lesson 6

3D Stylized Lettering With the Blend Tool


Lesson 6

3D Stylized Lettering With the Blend Tool


Lesson 6

3D Stylized Lettering With the Blend Tool


Lesson 6

3D Stylized Lettering With the Blend Tool


Lesson 7

Cool Gradients Using the Mesh Tool


Lesson 7

Cool Gradients Using the Mesh Tool


Lesson 7

Cool Gradients Using the Mesh Tool


Lesson 7

Cool Gradients Using the Mesh Tool

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Course price


12000 INR

This offer ends in



Python Full-Stack Developer

20 hours, 24 mins





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SkillsForEveryone is dedicated to making education accessible and affordable, offering a wide range of online courses designed to empower learners worldwide.

© 2025 SkillsForEveryone. All rights reserved.

SkillsForEveryone is dedicated to making education accessible and affordable, offering a wide range of online courses designed to empower learners worldwide.

© 2025 SkillsForEveryone. All rights reserved.

SkillsForEveryone is dedicated to making education accessible and affordable, offering a wide range of online courses designed to empower learners worldwide.

© 2025 SkillsForEveryone. All rights reserved.